Vincent, Alfred
Appears as author in
Vincent, Alfred. “Zorba's Tunes: Music and Song in the Novel by Nikos Kazantzakis” (2024) academia.eduIn Kazantzakis in Australia! 2024Study
Vincent, Alfred. "Laughter and Freedom: The Theory and Practice of Humour in Kazantzakis" (2009) 4.2634Study
Vincent, Alfred. "The Master Builder from Folksong to Opera: the Adaptation of The Bridge of Arta by Nikos Kazantzakis and Manolis Kalomiris" (2005) 4.2634-5Study
In Το Γιοφύρι: Περιοδικό νεοελληνικών σπουδών / The Yofiri: Periodical of Modern Greek Studies 6 (Aug. 1979)Study
In Το Γιοφύρι: Περιοδικό νεοελληνικών σπουδών / The Yofiri: Periodical of Modern Greek Studies 2 (June 1978)Study
Appears as translator in